FGTeeV Chase

FGTeeV Chase also known as Lightcore Chase as it is commonly referred to is the second youngest member of FGTeeV. He was born to Vincent Ryan and Samantha Ryan. Two of his siblings are well-known YouTubers. Skylander Boy Mike's younger brother is named Skylander Boy Skylander Boy, and Skylander Girl Alexis the older sister is. FGTeeV was Chase's first YouTube appearance. was on the family channel. FGTeeV Chase is now one of the top YouTubers in the world. He has also been on Youtube channels belonging to his twin brother TheSkylanderBoy AndGirl and FUNnel Vision. When he was four years old his father took him to the ER to receive stitches for a run into a countertop. That same year, his parents created the Doh Much Fun channel. It is targeted at young children telecasting colourful and vibrant videos about toys. Chase's Corner started on the YouTube channel. His videos focus on games for children and toys reviews. Chase Kitchen is another channel where he contributes. He cooks, and makes deserts. Doh Much Fun has gained recognition over time, with more than two million subscribers. FGTeeV Chase has another show known as Chase Plays Everything on the family's main YouTube channel. The show is hosted by his father, playing games on his iPad.



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